3 Reasons Why You’re Failing To Meet Your Goals

With nearly two weeks of the new year behind us, now is the perfect time to step back and reflect on how we’re tracking toward our goals. Are we pacing with momentum to hit our targets, should we reroute and adjust our ways, do we need any extra resources?

As a personal trainer and coach, part of my role is to keep you accountable. I often ask gym members, “What are your fitness goals? How are you tracking toward them?” As a result, I’ve been able to pinpoint three huge reasons why people are not achieving their goals.

Your goal is too broad.

Having too broad of a goal doesn’t allow you to see the end in focus. Hone in on your vision and make it as specific as can be. The more clarity you can have for your goal, the better you can plan to achieve it.

Broad goal: I want to run faster.

Specific goal: I want to finish a half marathon in under 2 hours and 30 minutes in March.

You have no checkpoints or benchmarks to hit.

If we think about goals as the ultimate destination, what are the landmarks on our journey there? Create checkpoints that will help you track your progress and give you something to look forward to so that your goal doesn’t seem as far away.

Example checkpoints:

  • I will run a 5K in 30 minutes or less in January.

  • I will run a 10K with friends in February and get Galentine’s Day brunch afterward.

You don’t have a pal.

In my experience working in fitness, the secret weapon to ensuring success — the “emergency hotline to the mayor” — is having a supportive community. Not only will having a pal by your side keep you accountable, but you’ll also have a cheerleader, a motivator, and someone who can inspire you along the way.

Great pals:

  • Coaches (like myself!) who can draft your program and keep you on track

  • Friends who will work toward your goal alongside you (training buddy, teammates, etc.)

  • Family members or partners who can celebrate with you, no matter the size of the win

The reality is, you are the captain of your ship. If you don’t know where you’re going; if you don’t have a map; and if you don’t have a crew, then what exactly are you doing on the water? Get your goals right, make a plan, and get ready to party with your favorite friends when you achieve them. Remember, this is #YEARofYOU.


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